MotherOfSpace (MOS)
masters the art of Real Estate DevelopmentWhat we do
We’re a team that is specialized in property development; for clients as well as for own risk and account. In either case always with a degree of ‘’skin in the game’’. We (re-)develop property throughout larger Europe and given our experience and skillset feel comfortable with challenges. (Family) investment-offices, funds and HNWI’s often lack the knowledge, capacity and or time to manage property developments. Clients and partners though want to be assured the processes are properly run, reported upon and brought to satisfactory completion. Preferably with a degree of ‘’overdelivery’’. That’s what we do!
Property development office development office redevelopment delegated developer development real estate development

About Us
Space is where you find yourself in; deliberately, coincidentally, or consequential.
It defines your mood, activates your senses and basically forms the basis and path
to the next space where you’ll be. This re-occurring process could be philosophized
or rationalized but in neither way it will ever become an exact equation or science.
It’s the changing variables merged with the continuous development of one’s senses.
Therefore the space that once triggered certain emotions, can become a less of a
trigger or motivational space. MotherOfSpace (MOS) masters the art of Real Estate Development.
The art of redefining Space. Real Estate seen as space not defined by walls, but yet and especially everything between them.
Consciousness of what has been established, been built, invested and in many ways ’’lived’’ versus changing needs, requirements, desires and responsibility now and for our future.
MOS supports owners, funds, tenants, institutions and the public sector to (re-)define their real estate assets and to create Space. Space to live, work, leisure and to improve in respect of your desire. Our impact is predominantly literary and always impacting balance sheets and P&L’s, productivity and ‘’jeu de vie’’.
We’re neither architects, brokers, analysts nor carpenters; we’re Real Estate Developers who know how to form the Team working on Your Spacial challenge. We represent years of international experience, have been working throughout Europe including CEE, during most challenging times and under constraints and pressure. Our key added value that we compose the team for the key challenge on the table. And whereby we excel under constraints and within complicated settings.
Of course we can share many projects and realized Spaces. Most important though is what Value we will be bringing YOU.


wonenindekaaij pre-sale is live!
March 6th; The Amsterdam residential project has been named ‘’De Kaaij’’ referring (in Dutch) to the unique location at the Amsterdam waterside. The (pre-) sales page is live allowing those who’re interested in some previews and to register once the formal sale...
Zoning change consent obtained for 80 apartments!
M.O.S., partnering with Multi Corporation is pleased to announce a mixed-use redevelopment project for Valkenstaete, an inner city convenience centre in Valkenswaard, the Netherlands. In response to the growing housing demand in Valkenswaard, parties are in the...
Broersma appointed as brokerage firm for Amsterdam projects
Broersma appointed as broker for the sale of the 10 apartments. Start sales March 2024
Acquisition office for strategic investment
M.O.S. strategically advises on further investing into high yielding Richport and the acquisition of the 4th property for one of it’s entrusted (privately owned) funds. Link naar...
Multi Corporation, a leading European retail management and development company, proudly announces it has successfully acquired two freehold land plots in the heart of Amsterdam for the development of ten luxurious apartments and highly sustainable offices, marking...
MotherOfSpace per heden vriend van Homeplan
Mother Of Space, vriend van HomePlan! Eigenaar Gawein Minks zet de mens centraal in de projecten van Mother Of Space. Vastgoedprojecten waarbij naast het realiseren van woningen en kantoorruimtes ook de omgeving en gemeenschap expliciet wordt meegenomen. Een visie...
Your Own Amsterdam
JE EIGEN KANTOOR, OP EIGEN GROND Mother of Space ontwikkelt in Buiksloterham Amsterdam Noord, een fantastisch licht en modern kantoor genaamd Your Own. Dit project past bij de ambities van M.O.S. omdat het binnen Nederlandse kaders echt een vernieuwend concept is;...
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